Entomological collections
They consist of nearly 400,000 dry-prepared specimens stored in entomological boxes and dedicated cabinets. The general collection collects specimens that come from the research activities of the Museum and the Ecology Station. Other materials come from donations or purchases:
Historical collection: 562 artifacts, all orders
General Collection: 45,000 artifacts, all orders
Giorgio Grillenzoni Collection: 10,500 artifacts, all orders
Carlo Pesarini Collection: 3,600 artifacts, carabid beetles
Guido Campadelli Collection, 120,000 artifacts, all orders
Alino Lucchini Collection, 53,150 artifacts, scarab beetles
Alberto Bizzi Collection, 5,300 specimens, Lepidoptera rhopalocera and macroheterocera
Fausto Pesarini Collection, 10,000 specimens, Symphytherian Hymenoptera.
Ettore Contarini Collection, 34,900 artifacts, beetles, lepidoptera
Leonardo Senni Collection, 55,520 artifacts, beetles
Fernando Pederzani Collection, 48,150 specimens, hydroadephagous beetles, with numerous types
Maria Generani-Pierluigi Scaramozzino Collection, 10,000 specimens, hymenoptera (terebrants, aculeates and Scolioidea)
Giampaolo Bosi Collection, 2,500 artifacts, hydroadephagous beetles