Herpetological collections
Herpetological collections include amphibians and reptiles and include historical artifacts and artifacts from research activities conducted since 1990. They are preserved in ethyl alcohol. They consist of 1,726 amphibians and 797 reptiles, totaling 2,523 specimens. The amphibian collection represents 82% of European species and 85% of Italian species, while the reptile collection comprises 31% of European species and 75% of Italian species.
Many specimens, for example of the species Bombina pachypus, Bombina variegata, Rana latastei, Rana temporaria, Lacerta viridis, Coronella austriaca, Vipera aspis, Vipera berus, have been the subject of genetic analyses in collaboration with various Italian and foreign research institutions as part of biogeographical investigations and phylogenetic relationships among species.